Council Mandate

Outapi Town Council mandate derives from Article 1 and Chapter 12 of the Namibian Constitution, and the Local Authority Act, 1992, ( Act 23 of 1992) as amended, and is:

The Outapi Town Council (OTC) is mandated to develop and provide municipal service in an efficient, effective and sustainable manner in partnership with various stakeholders.

Our Vision

To be a vibrant centre of excellence with diverse opportunities and preferred destination.

Our Mission

We strive to provide quality yet affordable services to our residents, visitors and investors through enhanced institutional capacity and advanced technology towards Sustainable Socio‐Economic, Development

Our Core Values

Core Value Description
Passion We shall make the job the most enjoyable experience for everyone.
Have a passion to do our best in each moment.
Engagement Promote active dialogue between stakeholders and Town Council.
Accountability We accept responsibility for our personal and Town Council decisions and actions.
Take responsibility for our actions that influence the lives of our customers and fellow workers.
Customer Centred We set high performance standards and hold ourselves personally and collectively to meeting our customer’s request.
We place the customer at the core of our service offerings.
Integrity Uphold high ethical standards.
We are truthful, ethical, and principled.
Innovation Creation of new ideas.
Attempt different ways of responding to challenges with best practices.

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